donderdag 12 juli 2012

Clean installation of Liferay 6.1 community edition.

Install Liferay.

The standard community edition provides Liferay with a memory database and a demonstration portal. For a clean installation we connect Liferay to the mysql database and remove the 7cogs demo portal.
  • Have an empty MySql database ready with a user account privileged for the creation of tables.
  • Download Liferay 6.1.0 community edition with Tomcat 7 directly from sourceforge. Unzip it.
  • In the webapps directory in Tomcat remove the 7cogs hook.
  • Startup liferay with bin/ (or bin/startup.bat on windows) in the tomcat directory of your Liferay distribution.
  • Goto http://localhost:8080/

Configuring Gmail as the default for liferay.

To use Gmail as the mail sender for your Liferay installation goto Server Administration and then Mail. Gmail uses with 465 as the port to establish a secure connection. Use a existing user account for the username and password fields. 

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